صفحه اصلینرم افزارهاتوضیحات نرم افزارهانرم افزار مطالعات سیستم و انرژی plexos

نرم افزار مطالعات سیستم و انرژی plexos

PLEXOS® Integrated Energy Model:
Simulation software for energy market analysis

PLEXOS® Integrated Energy Model (PLEXOS) is tried-and-true simulation software that uses state-of-the-art mathematical optimisation combined with the latest data handling and visualisation and distributed computing methods, to provide a high-performance, robust simulation system for electric power, water and gas that is leading edge yet open and transparent. PLEXOS meets the demands of energy market participants, system planners, investors, regulators, consultants and analysts alike with a comprehensive range of features seamlessly integrating electric, water, gas and heat production, transportation and demand over simulated timeframes from minutes to 10’s of years, all delivered through a common simulation engine with easy-to-use interface and integrated data platform. PLEXOS is the fastest and most sophisticated software available today, and also the most cost-effective.


At its launch in June 2000 PLEXOS was first-to-market with electric power market simulation basedentirely on mathematical programming. Today PLEXOS is the most widely used integrated energy model including the world’s largest and most sophisticated utilities, regulators and system operators. PLEXOS simulation results are renowned for accuracy and robustness and have appeared in numerous publications and are subject to regular and rigorous audits.

Features of the simulator

Integrated Models and Flexible Resolution
Perform long, medium and short-term analysis with one integrated simulation engine. Apply chronological modelling to any simulation mode including capacity expansion planning. Make use of the flexible time resolution including sub-hourly down to one minute resolution.

Optimal power flow with losses fully integrated with dispatch and unit commitment. Security and n-x contingency constraints (SCUC), DC lines and phase shifters. Generic constraints and interface limits, transmission aggregation, Monte Carlo simulation, multiple AC networks, 10,000’s buses and lines, nodal pricing and price decomposition.

Capacity Expansion Planning
Optimise electric power generation, dc and ac transmission line and interface expansion, energy storage and gas field, storage and pipeline expansion planning over long timeframes using mixed integer programming. Minimise expected NPV of investment and production costs with respect to uncertainty in inputs such as load, fuel price, hydro production, etc. Computes multi-area reliability indices. Integrates any long-term constraint e.g. emissions limits.

Power Generation
Perform comprehensive modelling of the economics and technical limits of fossil-fired and renewable generation sources including but not limited to: heat rate curves and multi-fuel operation, minimum operating levels, minimum up and down times, ramping rates, start up and shutdown profiles, CCGT operating modes, and emissions production and limits. Model stochastic processes for wind and solar production, and Monte Carlo for forced and planned outages.

Generation economic dispatch and unit commitment is fully integrated with an optimal power flow covering multiple ac networks and able to compute for 10,000’s buses and lines. Loss modelling and security and n-x contingency constraints (SCUC), dc lines and various types of FACTS. Generic constraints and interface limits, wheeling charges, automatic aggregation of network areas, Monte Carlo simulation of transmission outages, and optimal transmission switching. LMP decomposition and FTR evaluation.

Ancillary Services
Model ancillary service provision co-optimised with generation dispatch and unit commitment to sub-hourly level, with detailed treatment of start-up and shutdown combined with ramping and reserve interaction minute-by-minute. Include multiple reserve classes such as spinning, regulation, up and down and replacement services.

Smart Grid
Evaluate the economics of transmission flow control devices and switching and battery energy storage systems (BESS). Compute potential savings in terms of production costs, congestion charges and reduction in losses.

Hydro-thermal Coordination
Integrate detailed cascading hydro networks with generation efficiency curves, pumped storage, head storage dependency, waterway flow delay times, spillways and evaporation. Perform deterministic and multi-stage stochastic solutions over any horizon. Seamlessly integrate with short-term hydro-thermal coordination problem via hydro targets or future cost function decomposition.

Gas-electric Co-optimisation
Model the physical delivery of gas from production in fields, through pipelines and storage to gas and electric demands. Gas and electric models are solved simultaneously allowing decision makers to trade-off gas investments, constraints and costs against other alternatives.

Water-electric Co-optimisation
Model water supply from desalination through storage and pipeline to demand and integrate with the electric system. Model water use for electric generation.

Maintenance Optimisation
Perform value-based reliability (VBR) to optimise the timing of maintenance events with respect to all system costs and accounting for constraints such as crew limits.

Objective Functions and Models of Competition
Switch between or blend cost-minimisation and price-driven profit maximisation objective functions e.g. price-based unit commitment (PBUC). Utilise the comprehensive financial reporting to Generator, Zone, Region and Company level. Perform dynamic bidding of generation resources reflective of contract position and/or medium term revenue requirements or Bertrand competition. Model Nash-Cournot equilibria to determine the expansion plan and production decisions that maximise profit.

Technology Leader

The following are examples of class-leading features of the PLEXOS system:

  • Co-optimisation of unit commitment and economic dispatch with ancillary services, optimal power flow and locational marginal pricing
  • Power-water-gas integrated simulation allowing the optimisation of investment and production decisions across all commodities simultaneously
  • Monte Carlo and full stochastic optimisation
  • Comprehensive modelling of renewable generation and smart grid technologies with emissions pricing and limits
  • Seamlessly integrated simulation phases from long through medium to short-term, optimising investment decisions and decomposing production constraints and hydro schedules
  • Scalability from single plant or portfolio optimisation to simulation of large-scale systems with thousands of generating units and transmission nodes
  • Simulation resolution from sub-hourly intervals as short as 1-minute through to hourly or dynamically variable resolution


A flexible object-oriented design tightly integrated with state of the art optimisation tools allows PLEXOS to provide unsurpassed functionality across a wide range of planning problems including:

  • Capacity expansion planning
  • Production cost modelling
  • Electric and gas market price forecasting
  • Water and gas infrastructure planning
  • Market analysis and market design
  • Transmission constraint analysis
  • Portfolio optimisation and valuation
  • Operational planning with stochastic optimisation
  • Renewable generation integration analysis
  • Smart grid planning
  • Hydro generation resource management
  • Risk management

PLEXOS is an open system with results that are entirely auditable and comprehensive documentation is available, making it the perfect choice for market designers, regulators, consultants and researchers alike.

تماس با ما

شماره تماس: 88517391 - 021

شماره موبایل: 09036902461

تهران، خیابان سپهبد قرنی، پلاک 444، واحد 8