نرم افزار مدیریت ریسک RELIASOFT SYNTHESIS
ReliaSoft is committed to empowering professionals worldwide by promoting efficiency and innovation throughout the reliability engineering industry.
Our best-in-class applications, acclaimed global seminars and completely customizable consulting services leverage the groundbreaking concept of Reliability 3.0 to ensure you achieve the results you need exactly how you want them.
ReliaSoft’s BlockSim software tool provides a comprehensive platform for system reliability, availability, maintainability and related analyses.
The software offers a sophisticated graphical interface that allows you to model the simplest or most complex systems and processes using reliability block diagrams
(RBDs) or fault tree analysis (FTA) — or a combination of both approaches! In Version 10, Markov diagrams are also available (if supported by your license).
Software Features
BlockSim supports an extensive array of reliability block diagram (RBD) configurations and fault tree analysis (FTA) gates and events, including advanced capabilities to model complex configurations, load sharing, standby redundancy, phases and duty cycles. Using exact computations and/or discrete event simulation, BlockSim facilitates a wide variety of analyses for both repairable and non-repairable systems. This includes:
System Reliability Analysis
Identification of Critical Components (Reliability Importance Measures)
Optimum Reliability Allocation
System Maintainability Analysis (Determine Optimum Preventive Maintenance Intervals, Spare Parts Provisions, etc.)
System Availability Analysis (Calculate Uptime, Downtime, Availability, etc.)
Throughput Calculation (Identify Bottlenecks, Estimate Production Capacity, etc.)
Life Cycle Cost Estimation