صفحه اصلینرم افزارهاتوضیحات نرم افزارهانرم افزار طراحی روتور ماشین های الکتریکی DYROBES

نرم افزار CUTLOGIC 2D 5.5

CutLogic 2D is a top class panel cutting optimization software for cutting rectangular material like panels, sheets or rolls in industries such as woodworking, furniture, sheet metal, glass cutting, etc.

CutLogic 2D automatically finds optimal cutting layouts, using the most advanced optimization techniques. Its optimization engine takes advantage of Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy Logic which represent fundamental techniques of modern Artificial Intelligence and bring better results than any other software.

CutLogic 2D is a complete solution for both guillotine and non-guillotine cutting, based on IT standards with friendly user interface. It provides extensive features such as full material and remnant management, enhanced reporting functionality or multi format import and export of data for seamless integration with your existing working system and much more.

Technology our optimizers are based on

Genetic Algorithms

Genetic algorithm is an algorithm that mimics evolution and competition between individuals in natural selection. Tasks are encoded to genes of individuals and evolution produces better individuals with better solving. Neither programmer nor genetic algorithm has to know how to solve a given problem; solution is just bred. Genetic algorithms and genetic programming belong to evolutionary computation and artificial intelligence.

Fuzzy Logic

Fuzzy Logic is a truth-functional system that mimics natural thinking in a sense of dealing with the degree of truth rather than just with True and False. In Boolean logic an event can be only False (0) or True (1); in fuzzy logic an event can be sort of true - a number between 0 and 1.

تماس با ما

شماره تماس: 88517391 - 021

شماره موبایل: 09036902461

تهران، خیابان سپهبد قرنی، پلاک 444، واحد 8